Monday, April 12, 2010

Attention History Buffs

The Council discussed Mukilteo’s Historic Preservation Commission tonight—it doesn’t exist now, but it could in the future (it's in the city code, but has no members right now). We discussed some things that are already being done in the city, as well as what commissions can do. The Historical Society already gathers historical information, but primarily about Old Town. They also work very hard as caretakers of the lighthouse. Other groups have done historical work as well: for instance, the Mayor is working with a volunteer group to identify historical photographs to help decorate Council Chambers.
Some of the topics identified at our meeting that a commission could address include providing information and education about historic register requirements, inventorying historic or nearly historic properties, and assisting in developing design guidelines for the downtown business district in the future. There aren’t specific plans to pursue these, but they fit within the scope of a historic preservation commission.
As a result of our discussion, I, Councilmember Vanderwielen, Councilmember Tinsley (or Councilmember Stoltz, if Councilmember Tinsley is not available), and the Mayor will pursue meeting with the Historical Society to assess their perspectives on a commission. We’ll report back to the Council and potentially discuss it again. I'm also hoping that work group can inventory what’s already being done, and what a Historic Preservation Commission could do. The other part of our discussion was to have an open house or workshop for other interested Mukilteans. Keep an eye out for that opportunity—or just email me and let me know if you value the city investing in historic preservation activities. Let me know if you have ideas about what those activities could be!

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