Monday, April 26, 2010

Consider the Context

Today I learned more about a Washington State Department of Transportation (WDOT) strategy that has been in place for several years. This is a tool for transportation project development that helps involve communities and moves beyond just considering transportation mobility. An executive order from the Governor requires that every WDOT project consider context sensitive solutions. This strategy should be applied to any consideration of SR 525 in the future. The last time SR 525 north of 76th was studied by WDOT it was in 2001, before the requirement to consider Context Sensitive Solutions.
Context Sensitive Solutions have been pushed by the U.S. Department of Transportation since 2002. This process requires that transportation projects consider “effects on the aesthetic, social, economic and environmental values, needs, constraints and opportunities.”
Context Sensitive Solutions have allowed for city gateway creation, sensitivity to existing uses, and safety improvements. Examples include improvements along SR 527 in Mill Creek, improvements along SR 99 in Des Moines, and improvements to Route 395 in Colville.
These new strategies consider local needs, and local priorities for corridors. Proponents of an alternate access route through Japanese Gulch have often made the case that the other option is to widen the Speedway beyond what seems acceptable to Mukilteo. This is based on the last study of the 525 in 2001. Perhaps it’s time to ask DOT to apply context sensitive solutions to the future of the Mukilteo Speedway?

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