Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do We Have A Trail Plan?

Yes! One of the short-term goals identified at the visioning workshop (joint meeting of City Council, Planning and Parks & Arts Commissions) was a city-wide Trails Plan. The City has an existing plan: a framework for adding additional trail goals. This plan can be found here, on the city’s website.

Two other goals relate to this plan, as well: the short term goal of working to enhance and extend trails at the waterfront, including a promenade along all of the downtown waterfront, and a second mid-term goal of constructing safe and separated pedestrian access along the speedway to the waterfront.
The 2009 Trails plan addresses all trails, including bike paths and pedestrian routes (and sidewalks). The Waterfront Promenade is described in the plan. The plan identifies a minimum 10-foot width for this route, though recent guidance from the Planning Commission encouraged a 15-foot width for this walkway that would take Mukilteans between Lighthouse Park and future tank farm redevelopment.
The Trails Plan cites a recreation survey conducted several years ago by the city where residents identified walking and biking as the number one recreation activity and one of the highest needs for additional opportunities.
One pedestrian or bicycle route that is not identified for improvement in the plan is the pedestrian access along SR525 to the waterfront. The plan identifies the current shoulder along the roadway as an existing trail. There was definite interest in improving this trail at the visioning workshop. It will be important for stakeholders who support this access to remind councilmember’s of the value of this access, and encourage its consideration in future capital facilities plans.

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