Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shoreline Planning

We had our first joint work session on the Shoreline Management Program with the Planning and Parks & Arts Commissions tonight. The Planning Commission will be doing more work on the plan in the next year, with public hearings at City Council planned for February and March in 2011.
The Planning Department has lots of information available at the city's shorelines website.
The shoreline program is important for our waterfront, including Lighthouse Park and the tank farm redevelopment. It’s not as critical for most homeowners in the city: our steep slopes at the waters’ edge means that most homes are outside of the 200 feet of management zone where the Shoreline Management Program will be (and has been) in effect.
The shoreline plan also is being designed to account for the potential annexation areas (more marine shoreline, and Lake Serene).
This plan process is a valuable opportunity to ensure regulations use the best science, protect our environment and ensure water uses and public access are continually allowed and improved.

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